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About Us

One of the largest databases of American and Canadian Miniature Jerseys.

AMJA International

The American Miniature Jersey Association & Registry was founded in 2000 and has compiled one of the largest databases of American and Canadian Miniature Jerseys. We are an organization for registering and furthering the Miniature Jersey Breed. We are a Registry for the people and for the betterment of the Miniature Jersey Breed. This Registry is about the preservation of our beloved Miniature cows and those people that have dedicated their lives to breeding them. We welcome new members and encourage you to contact us with any questions you may have about the breed or registering your cows. 


Quality Matters

AMJA International believes in keeping quality in the Miniature Jersey breed. For a breakdown of our breed standards, please click below.

On the Homestead

Homestead Miniature Jersey creates a tradition that spans generations and lasts for lifetimes.

Miniature Jerseys have grown in popularity among homesteaders and hobby farms as they are the ideal breed for families wanting a milk cow.

A family milk cow can produce milk, cream, butter, ice cream, and cheeses while also providing additional calves each year for meat or herd production. 

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